Thriller / Trenton Chappell / 36:07 minutes
Tarrant County College
After coming back from the army, Clyde Lewis (Jonah Christian) experiences some misfortunes when Elaine (Kelsey Tuck) gives him upsetting news. With the help of a therapist (Kevin Clark) Clyde talks out his problems but at the same time Clyde finds his own ways to deal with his issues.
Clyde- Jonah Christian (@jonahjrc) Elaine- Kelsey Tuck (@14ktuck) The Therapist- Kevin Clark (@kclard) Daniel- Nick Treadway (@iconick05) The Neighbor- Summer Chappell (@texaslawchick79)
Directer - Trenton Chappell (@chappe11o @chappell_media) Writter - Trenton Chappell and Rick Chappell, Composer - Jordan Dennie Assistant Cameraman - Miguel Mendez Jr. Assistant Directer - April Yates
Technical Specs
Camera - Canon SL3 16:9